I created this website in 2004 and let the domain name expire in 2017. I was burned out and didn't want to update it anymore. The primary reason was that my main project, my website PitStalker, was taking a lot of my time. However, I found out as time went on that I was still searching for and watching mainstream movies with male bondage, and I was still taking screen captures of the bondage scenes from time to time. So on 2023, when it was time for me to renew my domain names, I found out that movieswithmalebondage.com was available again. Somebody turned it into a fendom porn site and it didn't work out for them, so they let it expire too. So I got the domain name again.
I put all the old content back and I will add more content from time to time. Take into account that I will not be updating this website consistently once a month, like I did the first time. PitStalker continues to take a lot of my time. Still, it's great to be back, and I hope you like my website once more. I was lucky to have the same opportunity twice. Hopefully it will be a good archival resource.